18 Week Bumpdate
I’m sharing my 18 Week Bumpdate, answering some frequently asked questions, and a little life update as well!
I wanted to start off with a little life update, and share with you guys what’s been going on lately! To say that the past five days have been rough is an understatement. I took a week long break during the week of Christmas to just focus on my family and not be distracted by anything else. It was so amazing to just be completely present and not be on my phone during that time. We spent Christmas Eve with Alex’s family, did our own Christmas morning at our house, and went over to his parent’s house again to open some more presents and have breakfast. Also, I had my dad in town for Christmas, and it was so nice being able to spend quality time with him. Last Friday, we took Kennedy to the San Diego Zoo and she had a blast! The next day, I started feeling icky and had a really bad stomach ache. I thought maybe if I rested it would go away. The pain got worse and worse, to the point where I can barely walk or move. It came on so suddenly and totally out of nowhere. I was just super sick all night and could barely eat anything. I decided I needed to go to the ER on Sunday to see what was going on and to have them check on the baby. I was so worried this sickness could harm the baby. I was there for over seven hours, and they ran lots of tests. They told me I had a high white blood cell count which indicates a virus. The doctor told me I had a stomach virus (aka the Stomach Flu). They were able to check on the baby and his heartbeat and everything was normal. I was so relieved that at least he was okay and not affected by this illness.
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were the WORST days ever. I would never wish this type of pain on anyone. Bottom line I was plain miserable and there wasn’t much I can do about it. My OBGYN gave me several over-the-counter supplements I could take to help ease the discomfort. They all helped a lot, and I was so glad I was able to get a hold of him during the holidays. Today is the first day that I’m finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. My stomach is still sour, but my nausea has subsided and I feel so much better!!!
Since I’m feeling more myself, I wanted to get back on here today and share my 18 week Bumpdate! I can’t believe I’m 18 weeks already! In some aspects, it feels like it’s going so slow, but other days I feel like its going so fast. I am so grateful to be growing a sweet little angel babe inside me!! Not a day goes by that I don’t sit and think how blessed I am to have Kennedy and this little boy on the way! I still cant believe also that we are having a BOY! I would’ve been so happy with either gender, but knowing that we are having a boy just makes me so giddy. It will be something new and I’m so excited to see what it’s like to have one of each! Kennedy will be a little over 2.5 years old when he is born, so I know they will be best little buddies. Below I’m answering a bunch of frequently asked questions and some things I’m experiencing around 18 weeks!
-18 Week Bumpdate-
HOW FAR ALONG: 18 weeks! Baby is the size of an artichoke [5.59 inches and 6.70 ounces].
DUE DATE: June 6th
SICKNESS: Besides the Stomach Flu I’ve had and multiple colds, I have been feeling off and on nauseous since the 1st trimester. Usually it hits me in the evening though. I was also nauseous and would get sick only in the evening/late night when I was pregnant with Kennedy. Not sure why they call it morning sickness haha
CRAVINGS: Being pregnant with this boy, he makes me hungry ALL. DAY. LONG. I feel like I’m constantly eating and I’m always hungry. I’ not sure if it’s because I’m pregnant with a boy or what, but my appetite has increased this time around. My biggest cravings are cold fruit, sandwiches, burritos, chips and salsa, Italian food (pizza and pasta), and frozen chocolate chip cookies!
AVERSIONS: I have been more picky with what I want to eat. I’m able to eat steak but Chicken is a hit or miss. Just depends on the texture of the food mainly!
PHYSICAL CHANGES: I notice my bump is getting bigger by the day! I still feel like I’m not breaking out a lot on my face, but I have started breaking out more on my chest, shoulders and back :/ Also, my boobs have grown like 2 full cups sizes already! I also haven’t been able to sleep good at night and wake up constantly trying to find a comfortable positions. I also have really bad back pain, which was lingering from my pregnancy with Kennedy. But I’m getting a pre-natal massage this weekend so hopefully that will help with the pain!
Q: How far apart in age will your babies be?
A: Baby Jones is due in June when Kennedy will be 2 years and 8 months old!
Q: Do you have a name?
A: Not yet! I have a pretty short list of names I like. It was SO much easier to find girl names I loved, but I think boy names are so much harder! If you have any suggestions, send them my way 😉
Q: Do you plan to nurse this baby?
A: Yes, I do! If he is able to latch and everything goes as planned, I want to nurse him as long as possible! But I know this isn’t always what happens after you have the baby, so I’m hoping that it will be possible with the 2nd baby. Kennedy wouldn’t latch, even after meeting multiple times with a Lactation Consultant. I ended up pumping for 3 months and also supplementing with some formula. But at 3 months old, she was finally able to latch and I then breastfed her until around 6 months.
Q: How has this pregnancy been different from your first?
A: This pregnancy hasn’t been much different, I’m just more exhausted and always tired this time around! I think mainly because I’m chasing after a 2 year old all day, and can’t really take breaks when I need to like before. Also, I feel like my immune system is weaker this pregnancy, and I have been getting more sick than before.
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I knew our pregnancy journeys were close, but not THAT close! We have the same due date, and sooo many of the same symptoms! (I’m getting over my 4th cold right now, and your cravings list is my entire diet rn, no joke!) We’re also having a boy :-). Since I’m pregnant with my first, it’s been so fun following your updates and photos. Keep them coming, and I hope you feel better soon!! Sending love from San Francisco.