Dane’s 9 Month Baby Update!
My baby boy is 9 months old!!! I am sharing his daily schedule now, what he is loving, and much more!
TOP: H&M Baby | JEANS: Zara Baby
I can’t believe my baby boy is 9 months old!!! I’m not kidding when I say this was the fastest 9 months ever! I feel like it definitely goes by faster with the second which makes me kinda sad. But I try to soak in every day with Dane and not take any time with him for granted. He is such a happy and content boy! He is easy-going, very chill and go with the flow. We got very lucky with him being more chill. He does have his bad days like any human, but overall he is very happy! We are obsessed with his smile and his cute personality that is coming out more and more everyday. I have started planning his 1st birthday already and I’m planning on doing a “Rookie of The Year” Baseball theme! I already got a few items for the party such as serving trays and decor! But we are thinking of pushing it back until maybe June once this whole Coronavirus is hopefully gone. Dane’s feeding and sleeping schedule is pretty much the same since we transitioned him to two naps a couple months ago! I’m sharing all about what he is loving, milestones, and more below!
Dane has been changing and developing so much the past couple months!! He has been more active and crawling a lot more around the house. He is still doing an army crawl, but is getting up on his knees a lot now too. He loves standing up and playing with his activity center. He also has been talking a lot more! He babbles random noises, but also says “mama, dada, num num (when he’s hungry), and baba (for his bottle).” He is much more aware of the world around him now too. He will wave when he feels like it haha and loves playing with other kids!
He says “Mama”, “Dada”, “NumNum” and “BaBa”
He loves his sister most of all and his mommy and daddy! He can sit and watch Kennedy for hours and be entertained! They already have such an amazing bond, and she is so sweet with him. We’ve been very lucky they get along so good. He also loves his binkie and bunny for sleeping. He loves Elmo and Seassme Street! He smiles so big when Elmo comes on the TV. He also loves Micky Mouse Clubhouse. Dane also loves being outside and going on walks, the swings at the park, laying on grass, the beach, being in the pool/jacuzzi, and going for rides in his car! He also loves going to his baby gym class! He has several baby friends he sees every week, and he is so happy when we are there! They have lots of cool equiptment and toys that we don;t have at home, so it’s always new and exciting for him.
He for the most part sleeps 10-12 hours at night and takes 2 naps a day. Of course, he has his off days like when he is sick or teething, or going though a leap where is sleep is thrown off. But overall he is a great little sleeper!
Dane LOVES to eat!! I didn’t think he would be as big of an eater as his sister, but he proved us wrong. Lately he has been eating a ton of food, and I feel like I spend most of my time in the kitchen feeding him and making him food lol He has never been a huge milk drinker, but he loves regular food. He also isn’t crazy about pureed baby food much anymore. He wants to have whatever we are eating, and for the most part has eaten everything we have offered him. Some regular foods I feed him:
– fruit: blueberries, bananas, strawberries or raspberries
– kodiak pancakes, french toast, regular toast with peanut butter thinly spread, cheesy eggs, strawberry flavored baby cereal,
LUNCH: mac n cheese, shredded chicken or meat, cut up turkey meat, cheese, fruit again, steamed veggies such as carrots or green beans. I also offer him a pouch after and he sometimes will eat it and sometimes not.
– Dane will always eat whatever we have made for dinner. Lately we have been making Home Chef during the week, so he has had a variety of different dinners. Usually I give him a protein cut up like chicken, steak or salmon. He loves pearled couscous, rice, beans, and whatever side comes with the meal,
I always have Dane playing during his awake time. I rarely ever put him in a container such as a swing or anything like that anymore. He is always free to explore and loves to be playing with his toys. If I need to get some cleaning done or he is really fussy, I will put him in the LilleBaby carrier or his walker with some puffs.
7:30 AM- Wake/feed time (4-6 ounces of milk)
8:30 AM– breakfast
9:15 AM- begin nap time routine (shortened version of nighttime)
9:30 AM- nap
11 AM- wake/feed (4-6 ounces)
12:30 PM- lunch
2:00 PM– nap #2
4:00 PM– wake/feed (4-6 ounces)
4:15-5:45pm- take a walk outside and playtime! If he seems hungry, I’ll offer a small snack like an apple sauce pouch or puffs.
6:00 PM– dinner
6:30 PM- start bath and bedtime routine
7 PM- feed (6-8 ounces), sing song, down for the night drowsy, but awake
wow amazing