Since becoming a mom, one of the things on the top of my favorite baby products list has been my Baby Brezza Formula Pro! I was sent this formula maker to try it out and see how I liked and I honestly have LOVED having this product!!! Since Kennedy was in the NICU for 2 weeks, they were giving her both formula and my breast milk. When we brought her home, I decided to continue breastfeeding her and giving her formula. In my opinion, it’s the best of both worlds. I love nursing her throughout the day and having that close bond, and knowing I can feed her. But I also like giving her formula when I am out and about running errands or if my husband is at home watching her. Something that has helped Kennedy sleep throughout the night (about 8 hours straight at one month, and now 10-12 hours), is feeding her bottle of formula before bed. I will nurse her before bath time, and then give her a bottle of formula right before bed. I have found this has helped keep her full all throughout the night. Knock on wood, she hasn’t woken up in the night for a couple months! Every baby is different, but this is what has worked for Kennedy!
The Formula Pro uses patented technology to measure, dispense and mix water and powdered formula to the perfect temperature and consistency. With pushing one button, you can start making your baby’s bottle in seconds and the bottle has no air bubbles! The machine can make formula for any size bottle with any amount of formula you want: 2, 4, 5, 8, or 10 ounces! Most bottles will be completely mixed and require no additional shaking. I love that I also don’t have to hassle with heating up the bottle because it prepares the milk with warm milk at the perfect temperature for babies.
There are so many reasons why I love using our Baby Brezza Formula Pro, but one of them is how quickly and perfectly it mixes the formula. When I have to hand mix it, there are lots of bubbles from shaking the bottle. But the Formula Pro mixes it perfectly with no bubbles, which is easier on her tummy. Also, I can quickly make her a bottle in seconds while I’m still holding her and there is no mess afterwards! I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a formula maker and I promise this will make a new mom’s life so much easier- especially if you are feeding just formula!
I also received a set of their bottles to test out, and I love those as well! They hold up to 9oz and I like how it’s shorter and wider, rather than longer. It has a breast-like nipple which eases transitions from breast to bottle and back, while limiting nipple confusion. It also has a air valve which releases air in the bottle during feedings- which prevents upset tummies and colic.
Awe So Cute Baby! The eye color of the baby child is so beautiful. Yes the woman holding the baby too is looking great. Thanks for these snaps you posted.
I love how crisp and clean your pictures come out! What camera do you use?
Thank you!
I use a Sony a6000 camera with a 55mm lens! I also edit them on the VSCO app!