Top Must-Haves for a Beach Day with Baby or Toddler!
I’m sharing my top must-haves for a beach day with your baby or toddler from buybuyBABY!
Summertime is here and there’s nothing I love more than driving to our local favorite beach to soak up the salty air and get some Vitamin D! This has been my favorite family activity since we moved back to California! We love how we now only live 15 minutes away and can access it so easily. The babies love it and it tires them out (win-win!). But having a stress-free time at the beach is definitely all in the prepping & packing- below are some must-have items I cannot go without! I got everything we needed for the beach this Summer online right from They are my #1 go-to for everything for the kids. Everything mentioned below that I love, I got from them. Check out my beach-must-haves below!
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We take sun protection seriously in our house! Your child’s skin and comfort at the beach is dependent on slathering on sunscreen! I love the Sun Bum brand sunscreen for the kids. I tend to reapply (check with the brand’s reapply recommendations and set a timer on your phone to remind you).
Both kiddos wear a hat and rash guard top with SPF protection as well along with their swimsuits! For the beach I prefer to use disposable swim diapers because it’s way easier to just throw away a sandy diaper, but the clean the reusable kind that we use at the pool. I also bring a detangler spray and wet brush as well for Kennedy.
Make sure to prepare ahead of time 9or the night before if you have to), and get all your snacks prepped. I always bring fresh fruit the kids can graze on, pj&j sandwiches, and dry foods such as crackers, goldfish, chips or puffs for Dane. You can put everything in a portable cooler or in your beach tote. I also make sure the kid’s water bottles are filled with ice and water, and I bring extra water bottles just in case to fill them up.
This portable high chair my #1 MUST HAVE eating items for babies at the beach!! Dane really is able to focus on his lunch and it keeps the sand out of his food!! We also keep this for BBQ’s and other places we have to eat outside with no tables or highchairs. Kennedy & Dane each have their own water bottle and they’re seriously the best- so sturdy and keeps their water cold at the beach! We love to pre-fill these snack catchers with Goldfish or dry snacks. I love these re-usable silicone bags for other snacks, sandwiches or fruit.
I highly recommend bring either a large tote or a backpack. This Freshly Picked Diaper Backpack is one of my top mom must haves!! I bring this to the beach (its so easy to wipe clean), pool, church- it’s the perfect all in one bag for all your baby items! I also recommend either a wrap or baby carrier to carry your baby, especially if they are too young to sit up in a wagon. It will help you keep your hands free for carrying everything else. Another must-have I highly recommend with little ones is either an umbrella or a beach tent. We love bring a beach tent to the beach because it offered great shade, and Dane can also take a nap in there if he needs to. I also love bringing a wagon to the beach. We can load up the kids and our beach stuff, and it’s easier than hauling the stroller on the sand.
Trash bags- Bring an extra trash back for all of your trash, then I bring a wet bag to throw in all the wet swimsuits and towels then bring it straight to the wash when I get home and then it doesn’t get my car all sandy and wet! Both kiddos each have their own hooded towel! It’s so much easier throwing this on them then having the towel fall of and get sandy!
Nothing is better than a good bucket of sand toys and how cute is this personalized bucket and toy set? We also write in sharpie the kid’s names on every toy piece and also keep this in the bag in our car for the park too! Dane is BUSY and keeping him close to us was a challenge so we go this 2-in-1 blanket and baby pool. I’m amazed how much he loves it and spends so much time playing in it!! No more charging the water and giving mama a heart attack!
Thank you to buybuyBABY for sponsoring this post! All opinions are my own!

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Amazing and very useful blog specially for new Mom’s. I will share this with my cousin sister she is the Mom of a newly born baby.