Never-Would-Think-of Tips for Clearing Up Acne!
There could be many reasons why your skin has been giving you trouble and break outs. From stress to not keeping you’re makeup brushes clean to even the foods you eat. So today I’m going to share with you some ways you can alleviate those breakouts! You could be doing everything right to avoid those pesky pimples and wash your face often, but there are some things you my not even realize you are doing that are causing them!
1 . ALWAYS wash your makeup brushes and keep them sanitized! I was my brushes about once every 2 weeks with dishwasher soap and I always keep them in their containers facing upright. I never set them on the dirty counter or in my makeup bag. If I want to take them with me, I put them in a ziplock baggie. Never ever just throw them in your purse or makeup bag and then put them on your face! Eek! Both of those places are a breeding ground for bacteria, which you are then transferring to your face.
2. Make sure to wash off your makeup every night! Sleep is so important for your skin and at night your body turns over skin cells and replenishes them, so having a layer of makeup over your skin is only going to cause pimples and prevent that from happening. No matter what, even if you are super tired, at least keep makeup remover wipes by your bed and take off that makeup!! Every night, I use Neutrogena Makeup Remover Wipes to take off all of my makeup, then I wash my face with warm water (and every other night I exfoliate), then gently remove all of my eye makeup. Another important tip is to apply a heavier moisturizer on your face and neck at night and a sunscreen during the day. I have been using Sheshido, and an eye cream around my eyes as well. A trick I use at night to get my lips super soft and supple in the morning is apply a generous layer of Aquaphor to my lips!
3. Avoid junk food, soda, dairy, and candy- basically sugar! All of these things may not necesarilly be a direct cause of acne, but they can aggravate and make it much worse! Try to incorporate more vegetables and fruit, and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day! Replace soda, milk, and sugary drinks with water! Staying hydrated everyday is important to keeping your skin soft, wrinkle free, and glowing! It flushes your body of toxins, clears up pimples, and skin will look soft, glowy and fresh!
4. Stress is obviously most of the time unavoidable, but acne can be aggravated or caused by stress. Isn’t it the worst right before an important event or some special day you breakout or get a huge zit in the middle of your face? Most likely, it’s caused from stress! I hardly ever breakout super bad, but right before my wedding in January my face just broke out really bad. I wasn’t doing anything different and I was eating healthy, but the only cause I can think of was stress. I was right because right after the wedding the breakouts went away! So just try to relax and not stress out too much if possible!
5. I probably sound like a germ freak but making sure everything that touches your face is clean and sanitized is super important. First off, don’t press your phone against your cheek because your phone is super dirty and loaded with tons of bacteria which can cause pimples on your cheeks. Second, change your pillowcase a few times a week because the oil from your hair and the products you use such as hairspray can get in your pores and cause pimples. Lastly, I never touch my face unless my hands are clean and washed. Always wash your hands before applying makeup and washing your face.
Most of these things probably sound really extreme haha but it has worked for me! I notice when I don’t do those things I see a lot more pimples, but when I do all of these things I hardly ever get them anymore! Hope you enjoyed these tips about getting clearer skin!