Dane’s 10-11 Month Baby Update!

Dane is almost a one year old!! I’m sharing Dane’s 11 month baby update in today’s post!
My little boy is officially 11 months old, which means he is 3 weeks away from being a one year old!! Like how is this happening already?!? I have already started getting everything ordered and ready for his birthday party on May 23! For now, we are just doing a smash cake with family. BUt hopefully we will be able to have an actual birthday party with just more family and some of his baby friends.
This boy has stolen my heart and has been everything we have dreamed of. Of course, he has bad days when he whines and cries, or it’s just plain HARD. But overall, we have been so blessed with his sweet and loving sprit. Dane’s personality has come out SO much more this month!! He is really chatty now, laughs a lot, smiles, he is funny, mischievous (loves taking all the remotes or getting on top of the Roomba robot vacuum haha), he loves playing with his sister and cousins, and this boy sure loves his daddy and mama!!! He has always been the biggest mama boy, and I secretly love it. But also has gotten very into Daddy lately too since Alex has been working from home. He tries to find Alex when he’s working and yells “DaDa” or peeks his head around the corner to try to find where he is all the time. It is the cutest thing!! He likes to close doors and rummage through the tupperware cabinet. He also loves being outside and being in the pool! Dane is still going strong with the army crawl everywhere, but just the past couple days he has been doing more crawling on his knees. He loves food, watching Elmo during breakfast in the morning, and mostly being outside! Dane has two bottom teeth but his top two teeth are coming down now too!! He has been a little more fussy lately because of the pain, but overall he is a calm and happy boy!
Since my last update, Dane has been pulling up on everything now! He also uses his push walker to walk around and loves dancing!! Whenever we turn music on he always starts to dance, it’s the cutest thing. He has stood alone for a few seconds without any support as well.
He also has been saying more words besides mama and dada, such as “ball,” “nana,” and “that.” He also does some animal sounds when we ask him for example, “ what does the Lion say?” He also waves and when I ask where someone is, he will point to them. When I ask “how big are you?” he will lift up his arms and I say “so big!!” I’ve also been working on clapping with him this week and he has started to do that too. He is acting more and more like a little toddler everyday. It’s sad to see him grow up, but I’m loving seeing him develop and learn new things! Dane will also imitate us if we blow our tongues or stick them out at him!
He says “Mama,” “Dada,” “Ball,” “Nana, “That” (for whats that)
Dane has been regularly sleeping through the night since around 4 months old. He still will wake up occasionally in the night if he is sick, teething or just hungry. He is also taking 2 naps a day now as well. One morning nap two hours after he wakes up, usually around 9:30am-11:30am. Then he is awake for another 3-4 hours, and I will put him down for his 2nd nap after that time. I will let him sleep until 4:30pm, but no later or he won’t go to bed. We try to have him down for bed no later than 7:30pm.
For breakfast, I also make kodiak pancakes, cheesy eggs, real adult oatmeal, yogurt, breakfast sausage, with a couple different fruits. An example of a typical breakfast would be a small portion fruit cut up, cut up kodiak pancakes and cheesy eggs. I also offer him is sippy cup of water at each meal, after he has eaten most of his food. If I give him the water right away, I notice he will fill up on that and not eat all of his food. Below are some of his favorite fruit he has tried.
– fruit: black berries, blueberries, bananas, strawberries, raspberries, mangos, kiwi
– kodiak pancakes, french toast, regular toast with peanut butter thinly spread, cheesy eggs, strawberry flavored baby cereal,
For lunch, well almost every meal, I will feed Kennedy and Dane the same things. I always do a protein such as organic shredded chicken, turkey meat, or leftover salmon or steak. They also love cheese, so I will give them both a little cheese, fruit, and a veggie or applesauce pouch. When I’m busy with the kids during the day, it’s hard to prepare veggies for lunch, so I usually give him the fresh veggies we make for dinner. They both also LOVE mac n’ cheese (they are definitely my children 😉 ), so I will make that during the week for them as well. Not everyday is perfect when it comes to lunch time, but I always make it a point to give them as nutritious food as possible. If I know I’m going to be away from home during lunch, I will be sure to pack fruit pre-cut fruit in a tupperware container, a veggie pouch for Dane, snacks for Kennedy such as pita crackers, and they both love the organic applesauce and fruit and vegetable packets from Costco.
– Both the kids will always eat whatever we have made for dinner. Very rarely, I will make them something separate, mama ain’t a short order cook haha! The past few months, we have been getting Home Chef delivered to our house during the week, so he has had a variety of different dinners. It’s been nice to have all our meals ready for the week and not worry about what’s for dinner, or going out to the grocery store often. We always have a protein with our dinner, and switch off between chicken, salmon, and steak. For example, if we have a burrito bowls, I will give Dane the black beans, rice, cut up chicken, and avocado. I usually don’t do fruit for dinner, and focus mainly on veggies and protein! I also will offer some pureed food as well with his dinner.
During his awake time in the mornings, I will pay out some toys for him and he will spend about 30 minutes exploring or playing with his toys. Lately, I have been having him do a little playtime and then I will take both kids on a 2 mile walk in my double jogger. I notice when I get a little cardio in the morning, I feel so much better. I start making their breakfast about 30 min after they wake up, or right when I get back home from the walk. They both will watch Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Daniel the Tiger, white they eat breakfast. During his next awake times during the day, I almost always get the kids outside and do a fun activity. I will have the water table set-up outside and have them in their swimsuits playing in the yard. I also have this push car for Dane that he LOVES. Kennedy will ride her bike while I push Dane in this car. Since we have been in Quarantine, it’s been hard to keep them entertained and we don’t have many places to go. There is a soccer field that is open near us, so I’ll take the kids there to run around and I’ll play soccer with Kennedy while Dane plays with his toys or explores on the grass. Other days I’m just happy getting us out of the house and going to Chick fil A haha! But I try to make the best out of what is going on, and not keep them cooped up inside ALL day long. I’m grateful we are still able to go on walks and do some activities outside. When we are inside for his wake time, he loves playing with his toys! Below are some of his favorite toys he has been loving lately:
7:00 AM- wake/feed time (4-6 ounces of milk)
7:45/8:00 AM– breakfast
9:15 AM- begin nap time routine (shortened version of nighttime)
9:30 AM- nap
11:30 AM- wake/feed (4-6 ounces)
12:30 PM- lunch
2:30 PM– nap #2
4:30 PM– wake/feed (4-6 ounces)
4:45 PM -5:45 PM- take a small walk outside and playtime downstairs with toys until dinner is ready! If he seems hungry, I’ll offer a small snack like an apple sauce pouch or puffs.
6:00/6:30 PM– dinner
6:45/7 PM- start bath and bedtime routine
7:30 PM- feed (6-8 ounces), sing song, down for the night drowsy, but awake