Dane’s Newborn Photos + Q & A!
Today I’m sharing all of Dane’s newborn photos from the talented Jenny Mason Photography! I’m also answering some questions from ya’ll!
I’m so excited to share Danes newborn photos with you! I’m SO happy with how they turned out and so obsessed with them!! I had them done when Dane was two weeks old with a local photographer here in Orange County, CA- Jenny Mason Photography! She is the master of newborn photos and I’m so obsessed with all her work. You can check out all her work and website here! She does everything from newborns, baby milestone photos, families in studio and outside, cake smash photos, maternity, and much more! Her newly renovated studio is so dang cute and beautiful! She also has tons of newborn boy and girl accessories, outfits, accessories for Kennedy, and outfits for mom. The shoot was sooo easy and stress-free. I was surprised because I was a little worried how Dane would do, being put in all these different positions. But everything from the beginning of our session was so seamless and easy. Jenny did all the work and made it such a relaxing, fun, and memorable experience for us all! Jenny handled everything from dressing and changing him, keeping his calm and sleeping throughout the shoot, and capturing all the precious moments. She also got Kennedy to smile, laugh, and sit still for the camera- which is a rare things now a days! All I had to do was sit and relax on the couch in her gorgeous studio, and watch while she shot all the photos of Dane. After the shoot, she sent me an online gallery of all the edited digital files from the shoot! I am able to easily send them to family and print them myself which is so convenient. Jenny also sent me an amazing package with a keepsake box filled with a USB drive of the photos and all the photos from the shoot printed out!! She also sent a photo album from the shoot and three small magnetic keepsake booklets! Everything from start to finish was so professional and such a wonderful experience. I am so grateful I have these photos of Dane and our family to cherish and have in our home forever!!!
-Q & A-
How do you incorporate a newborn into your daily routine? Errands, going out, etc.
I feel like adjusting to having a newborn again was a challenge! I forgot how easy it was to just pick up and go with just Kennedy before. I bring Dane with us everywhere and haven’t left him with anyone (only my husband for doctor appts), so he goes everywhere with me! I make sure the diaper bag is ready and I have everything for him the night before. I always try to time going out after he is fed at home, so he is happy and will take a nap on the go! I keep in his car seat for short errands, or put him in the Solly Baby wrap or Lille Baby carrier if we will be at places for long periods of time.
What routine do you have him on for sleeping?
I have him on an Eat, Play, Sleep routine. I wake him every three hours to eat, and don’t like him sleep more than 2 hours during the day. I’ve been working with a sleep consultant, Jessica Hudson from The Sleep Shop. She came up with a newborn schedule for Dane and I’ve seen great results so far!!! During the night he sleeps from 8:30pm-1:30/2am, then goes back down until around 7am. Sometimes if he wakes up again, I will give him a pacifier and he will continue sleeping until around 7am again.
Does your newborn struggle with gas? What do you suggest to do?
Yes he is sometimes SO gassy!! He can let out some good toots haha! I have cut out dairy and I also cut out foods that cause gas too. I notice this has helped a ton! I also try to get good burps out after each feeding. When I’m nursing, I burp after each side. If I’m giving him a bottle, I burp him every 2 ounces. Before I lay him down to sleep and he is swaddled, I burp him again on my chest and pat his back. I almost always get another good burp out! I also give him these gas drops after each feeding!
Was he tongue tied? Your breastfeeding experience!
Yes Dane had a pretty deep tongue tie! I chose to get it snipped because he had a shallow latch when he was nursing, and it was a little painful. Also, I didn’t want it to affect his speech once he got older. We did it when he was two weeks old and it really wasn’t as bad as I thought. Dane didn’t even cry! I think it’s best to do it when they are really young so they won’t remember or be as traumatized. He was a little fussy the day he got it snipped, but still ate fine. He was totally back to normal the next day.
What’s worked for ya’ll to help prevent flat head syndrome?
We dealt with flat head syndrome when Kennedy was a baby, so I wanted to make sure to prevent it with Dane! I noticed when he slept or was awake he will always look to the left. We got Kennedy physical therapy for her flat head, so I remembered what we did for her. I’ve been trying to do those things to prevent him getting a helmet and try to get him used to looking the other way. So during his awake time (playtime on his mat, when I’m changing him, etc.) I always make sure I turn his head looking to the right. I also have been doing tummy time with him during the day up to five minutes now. I try to avoid placing him in a “container” such as the MamaRoo or swing for longer than 30 mintues at a time. I also try to wear him in the Solly Wrap or a carrier at least once a day to take some pressure off his head. Also, if it’s possible, I try not to let him sleep in the car seat. I will take him out and put him in the Solly Wrap to continue his nap if he is sleeping if I can. For nighttime, I put a rolled up swaddle on the left side inside his swaddle wrap. I velcro the swaddle and place him in the crib with his head looking right. He will sleep most of the night now not looking only left. I don’t do it for naps, but I think it has helped a lot!
Did you ever post about your hospital bag?
Yes I posted it last month! You can see my hospital bag post here!
Postpartum update, mental and physical healing?
I have been doing much better lately! The first month was so. dang. hard. I was in the thick of the newborn stage, trying to heal physically from the c-section, feeling so “blah” in my postpartum body all while dealing with plummeting hormones, taking care of a toddler, and the house still! It was a lot to juggle!! It was a shock once I got home from the hospital how hard adjusting to my new normal was. I think going from 1-2 has been the hardest adjustment. It really affected me emotionally. I am now 6 weeks PP, and I feel much better than I did before. It took some time getting used to my new normal and getting into a routine with the two babies. But I think we have all gotten into a good routine and rhythm now! I also feel soo much better physically and am not in any pain anymore- woot woot!
What are you favorite newborn products used the most?
I shared all my favorite newborn products in Dane’s 1 Month Update post here!
How is Dane sleeping throughout the night? Is he waking up a lot?
So for the past couple weeks he has been doing 5 hour stretches and now some 6 hour stretches! He has gotten into a routine of waking up around the same times now. He goes down at 8:30pm and wakes up at 1:30/2am, then wakes up again at 7am.
How has it been adjusting to two babies?
It has been hard adjusting to two babies to be honest. They are in completely different stages, so that is hard to tend to both of their needs equally and when they are both crying for me at the same time. The stage Dane is in is a little more demanding, so I have to tend to him and feed him a lot. While he is napping, I try to devote all my time to Kennedy and play with her. I also try to go out with Kennedy somewhere fun a few times a week! Life doesn’t slow down with a newborn when you have a toddler in the house. I also have tried to keep Kennedy’s schedule and routine the same as before!
What are your must have items at the beginning?
There are so many things I’ve found to be so helpful during the newborn stage, but I will share my top five! First, I LOVE the Dockatot! Dane sleeps so great in it and think it makes him feel cozy and secure. We also used a Dockatot with Kennedy and she loved it as well! You can also take it with you when you travel! Another must-have is the Owlet Smart Sock 2 monitor. It gives me such peace of mind when he is sleeping. It will sound an alarm if he stops breathing in his sleep. I can check his heart rate and oxygen levels on the app too! We have had one red alarm telling us his oxygen level was low, so we were able to quickly rush to him and get him up. In this newborn stage, I love having plenty of pjs for Dane! That is what he wears 99% of the time, especially since he sleeps a lot right now. They are the comfiest thing for him to wear and keeps his hands and feet warm. I have him wear pjs for his naps and nighttime. My favorite ones are Kickee Pants, Loved Baby, and Carters! Other items I use everyday and love are the Hatch sound machine and the Hatch changing pad. I can operate the sound machine from my phone on the app and turn on a nightlight in the middle of the night. It has a variety of different sounds for the sound machine, and different color lights! I always do the red light for the middle of the night feeds so he doesn’t wake up too much or get over stimulated from white light. I also love the Hatch changing pad for tracking his weight gain, his diaper changes, and feeding amounts! It saves everything in the app on my phone and I can see his progress. I can weigh him before I nurse him, and then after to see how much he drank during that session.
How many kids do you want?
Right now I am happy with two right now! We feel very grateful we get to experience a boy and a girl! But in the future I might be open to a third, I’m not ruling anything completely out!
How do you stay calm/ keep worry down in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy?
Each of my pregnancies I was always worried in the first trimester. I try to not worry myself sick though, because it’s not good for the baby. I try to trust in the Lord that everything will be okay!
How do you manage your time since having two kids?
It is really hard but I have been doing things lately to help manage my time! I wake up earlier now around 6am, while Dane and Kennedy are still sleeping. I’m able to do my hair and makeup, get dressed, eat breakfast and do some emails and blog work before they wake up. I also try to squeeze in housework and blog work during nap time time. But it is harder now to get things done these days! I have a sitter come and watch Kennedy twice a week in the mornings, so I also try to get work done during that time as well.
What do you use for a bedside sleeper?
I use the Halo Bassinest! I love it in the early weeks with a newborn because it’s easy to get to him and tend to him while recovering from childbirth. I put it right next to my bed and I can keep an eye on him while he sleeps. It swivels so you can easily get out of bed or move the bassinet away or closer to your bed. It also has a variety of sounds and vibrates to soothe the baby.
Where do you normally purchase Kennedy’s cute clothes?
The places I shop for Kennedy the most are Amazon, Nordstrom, Zara, Gap, and Old Navy!
When/why did you choose to supplement with formula?
His first feed was actually formula in the hospital. I was still waking up from being put asleep for my c-section, and that was about a little over an hour for me to wake up. Dane was hungry and crying, so Alex gave him some formula. I started giving him formula again around week two. I have been giving him the Enfamil Gentlease, and this one is the best I’ve found for Dane. I noticed he would still be a little hungry after nursing in the late afternoon, so I always give him 2 extra ounces now. I nurse him before his bath and then Alex feeds him an extra 2 ounces of formula before bed too. I’ve never had a lot milk supply, so this has been great to know he is getting full!
Which breast pump are you using?
I have been using the Motif Luna double electric breast pump and love it! It is electronic and quieter than the other pump I had. I can electronically adjust the levels, and it also has different modes such as massage and expression mode. It also has an LED light so I can pump in the middle of the night without waking up Alex. I highly recommend this pump!
Can you please tell us about your c-section recovery and tips?
The first week was the most painful, but it got much less painful each week. I would recommend wearing a belly band for support and to take any medicine your doctor gives you for pain. I tried to go a day without taking it and I was pretty much in tears from the pain most of the day. It makes taking care of the baby and getting around much easier. I also got up and walked around the next day of my c-section. That helped with recovery and getting clots out. I noticed the more I was able to get up and walk, the better I felt!
Do you struggle with PPD/PPA?
I have always had anxiety, but it got worse the weeks after I got home from the hospital with Dane. I feel like the first few weeks were definitely the hardest. The first few days we were home it wasn’t that bad at all, but once Alex went back to work it was really bad. I had to juggle taking care of Kennedy, the housework, my blog, a newborn, and I was still recovering from my surgery, and it all got SO overwhelming. I think with time it has gotten so much better! Each week it’s gotten better and better!
How is Kennedy adjusting?
She has been adjusting really good! We have tried to keep her routine the same as before, and didn’t really change anything that we were doing before. We both have tried to give her lots and lots of love and attention, so she doesn’t feel left out. Kennedy will sometimes act out and do things such as ask for a bottle or talk like a baby, and throw tantrums. But overall it’s been a smooth transition for her. She loves her brother and always gives him kisses when he wakes up! She loves helping me with diaper changes and will try to play with him when he is awake! It’s the sweetest thing!
How do you get him to sleep 4+ hours?
I’ve been working with a sleep consultant who wrote up a newborn schedule for Dane from the beginning. I think following that schedule has helped with him sleeping at night. I try to get full feeds during the day, so he doesn’t try to make up for it during the night. I wake him up from his naps after 2 hours, and don’t let him sleep any longer than that during the day. They usually only have one long stretch of sleep, so you want it to be at night! I also think making sure they don’t get overtired, have productive awake time, and get some naps in during the day helps with nighttime sleep too.
How is life with two kids?
I still can’t believe I have two kids!! I feel so incredibly blessed to be their mommy and be with them everyday! It is definitely more work and all about being able to juggle everything! But I love it!!!!
Did you always want to be a mom ever since you were young?
Ever since I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be a stay at home mom! I used to always day dream about my family and kids I would have one day. It really was what I have always wanted to be when I grew up. No matter what I did, whether when I did acting or running my blog, nothing has made me happier than being a mom!
What’s your daily (weekday) schedule like for toddler and baby, including nap times?
On Mondays and Wednesdays, I have an amazing Nanny who watches Kennedy in the mornings so I can get work done! Tuesdays is when I run my errands. All the other days, we go out in the mornings and try to do a fun activity for Kennedy such as play dates, swimming or the park! Dane takes a morning nap from about 8-10am, so after he wakes up we head out the door! Kennedy naps from 1:30pm-4:30pm, so I try to get home before her nap time. Dane is still really young, so he can nap on the go, which is so nice! Dane’s nap times are: 8-10am, 11-12am, 1-2pm, 3-4pm, 5-6pm, and then I try to get him to take a catnap before his bedtime until 7:30/8pm. I always wake him up at 8pm, and then start his bedtime routine. I start Kennedy’s bath between 7-7:30, and have her in bed by 8pm! That way I can nurse and take care of Dane’s bedtime after! Alex and I will tag-team, and switch off back and forth with the bedtime routines too.
Must-haves for a baby boy?
I love these Kickee Pants pajamas, Loved Baby outfits, Freshly Picked Moccs, and some cute going out outfits from Nordstrom! Also, I LOVE these newborn beanies!
What is your favorite diaper bag?
I have three different ones I switch off using- Freshly Picked, Fawn Design, and Luli Bebe!
How was your c-section recovery?
The recovery was pretty hard, but also so was the recovery of my vaginal birth with Kennedy. I think both were equally painful and bad, but just in different areas. I didn’t realize how much I used my stomach muscles for things until I was trying to recover lol
How soon after giving birth to Dane did you start pumping (while also breastfeeding)?
I didn’t start pumping until the second or third week! Once he started sleeping longer stretches is when I really started to pump more and get more milk for storage in the freezer. I will pump before I go to bed around 10pm, and then again at 4am! Also, during the day if I need to I will pump as well.
How are you losing the baby weight?
I haven’t really lost a lot of my baby weight, and most days I still look 6 months pregnant. I lost twenty pounds right after giving birth, but since then I’ve stayed the same. I still have twenty more pounds I want to lose right now. But I’m being patient with my body and not trying to stress over it. It took me about nine months to get all the weight off with Kennedy, so I figure it will be the same this time around too! Also I’m breastfeeding, so I need to keep up my calorie intake- it’s not a good time to be dieting right now anyways.
How was your birth experience? I’m due in 5 months (what helped out)?
I think just listening to your body and trusting your instincts! I think being over prepared helped me feel more calm, and having a birth plan helped too! I didn’t end up doing a vaginal birth, but I had written a birth plan in case I had a c-section, which I did! I also loved having photos taken of Dane and our family in the hospital, and having a birth video made!
What shampoo and conditioner, heat protector, hair vitamins do you use?
I have been using the shampoo and conditioner from Costco and LOVE it! I always spray It’s a 10 conditioning spray when it’s wet, and brush it through with my wet brush. I spray this blow dry spray in my hair before I blow dry it, and this heat protecting spray before I curl it! Also, I still take my Pre-Natal vitamins, so I think that helps too!
You have a beautiful family and these pictures of Dane are priceless. We didn’t get any baby photos done while my son was just a few weeks old. We have one or two from hospital but nothing until 2 months after. Kicking myself for being buried in the new mama blur. Enjoyed looking at these!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com