Dane’s One Year Photos + 12 Month Update!
Sharing Dane’s one year photoshoot and his one year baby update!
I can’t believe my little man is a big One Year Old now!!! Dane has blessed our lives this past year with his sweet and calm spirit, and in so many other ways. Having two kids has tested me in new ways but I also became stronger than I ever thought I was. I’m so grateful for all the amazing memories and milestones we have had with him this year, and I can’t wait to see him grow each day. It’s funny because all my friends who had boys said, just wait, boys LOVE their mamas and are such mamas boy. I would think it was sweet, but my daughter Kennedy is also the biggest mamas girl! But it is true, boys really have a soft spot for their mamas. Dane will come up to me and hug me really tight and rest his little head on my shoulder. He loves cuddling and snuggling. He loves when I’m close by and I always have to be in his eye sight or he will yell “MAMA!!!” Another big blessing with having two kids is the bond Kennedy and Dane both share. I prayed that they will become best buddies and love one another, and they have become so cute and close. They both love playing with each other and Kennedy is the sweetest with him. If he falls and get hurt, she will run over to him give him a toy and kiss him to try to get him to stop crying. He loves her and will give her the biggest grin and stop crying. I’m also getting things ready for Dane’s birthday party that will be this weekend! We are having family and close friends come, and some of Dane’s little baby friends! You might have seen some snaps on my IG stories but we are doing a baseball theme, “Rookie of The Year.” Our family all loves baseball, so I thought it would be a cute little boy theme for Dane!
The week Dane turned one, we took him to our favorite photographer Jenny Mason to get his One Year pictures taken! She did Dane’s newborn photos and the kid’s Santa photos as well. I’m so grateful I found Jenny because she is the best!! Not only is she soo sweet and has a beautiful studio, she is so great with babies and kids!! She is always able to get the perfect shot of Dane and Kennedy, and the whole process is always very stress-free and easy. I also love her timeless, bright, clean and classic look. One of the best decisions I made with both kids was getting professional photos taken right when they were newborns and for their one year birthdays. Those are memories you will have FOREVER and you will also never get that chance again. During Dane’s photo shoot with Jenny, Dane was LOVING the camera and attention, and doing this flirty smile for Jenny. We were all cracking up!!!
Jenny Mason Photography is back open now and located here in SoCal in Orange County, CA! She has a beautiful white and bright studio, and uses timeless clothing to make everything look beautiful. You can bring your own clothing for your little one, and yourself, but she also has wardrobe options as well. She also provided the smash cake and props for Dane’s newborn shoot and this one year photo shoot as well! You can check out more of her work on her Instagram here!
Here are some shots from his one year photo shoot!

Dane has now started crawling on his hands and knees! For the longest time he was doing an army crawl! He also has been pulling himself up on things and trying to climb up on the couch and chairs. He cruses around the couch and coffee table, and can balance standing up for a few seconds. He loves walking around with his walker too! He also is chatting a lot now. He says multiple words and says “Ya” and “No” now. When I ask him if he wants a bar he says “Ya.”
Likes and Dislikes:
Dane loves other babies and kids, and playing with them! He also loves being outside on grass, swings at the park, playing with his water table, being in the pool, being pushed around in his truck, he loves playing in this play kitchen, trucks, the beach, walks around the neighborhood, Sesame Street, dancing to music, he also LOVES bath time and playing in the shower! I put some of his bath toys down and he loves it!! Haha So mama can relax and take a hot shower and he is happy playing for a good 15 minutes or more if I let him! He also loves food, his binkies and his sippy cups!!
Some things Dane dislikes is diaper changes and getting dressed!! He randomly has always loved the vacuum and tries to chase it, but is scared of our small Roomba now. He also doesn’t like being alone, he loves when either I’m near him playing with him or when his sister is playing near him.
Favorite Toys Now:
-He loves any type of toy cars and trucks! I got him this tractor set and he got this garbage truck as well! He’s obsessed!!!
-Any type of ball! He loves this sports ball set I got for his birthday and these sensory balls too!
-He also loves music toys and this little piano.
-This bounce house!
-He loves being pushed around in this push truck
Dane eats three meals a day- Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. He will have snacks around 12pm and after his nap around 5pm. Usually I just give him an apple sauce pouch, his yogurt drops, puffs or goldfish. He also still drinks milk 4x a day. Some days he will only drink a little bit and some days he will drink the whole thing. I would say on average he drinks about 14 ounces a day. To get him switched over to cow’s milk, I am doing half formula and half cows milk now.
Dane is taking two naps a day, morning and afternoon. I don’t have a “set” time, because I base it off when he wakes up in the morning and his naps. For example, if he wakes up at 7:00am, I will put him down at 9:30am. Then if he wakes up at 11:00am, I will put him down 3 hours later which would be 2:00pm. But if he took a short nap, I would still put him down 3 hours after his wake up time.
But here is a sample schedule of what he usually does:
6:30am- Wake Up!
9:15am- Nap #1
11:30- Playtime / Lunch
2:30- Nap #2
4:30pm- Wake up from nap! I don’t let him sleep past 4:30, to make sure he is able to be put down by 7:30pm.
5:00pm- Snack / Playtime
6:00-6:30pm- Dinner + family time
7:00pm- Start bath + do bedtime routine
7:30pm- Down for bed! He will usually sleep through the night now!

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