MOTHERHOOD: Dane’s 3-4 Month Update
Today I’m sharing Dane’s 3-4 Month Update, and some things I’ve been loving for this age!
Daily Life:
This month has been a real turning point! I finally started feeling like myself again during this month and started to get the hang of this whole mom of two thing. I shared in my previous post how it was a real struggle in the beginning to get used to newborn life again while taking care of my toddler. Let’s just say it was a juggling act! But as the days go by, I’m feeling more capable and stronger than I ever imagined. Don’t get me wrong, there are still some really hard days, but most of the time it’s been amazing. And even though my house isn’t Pinterest worthy everyday, if my kids are fed and happy, I call that a parenting win! I try to get out of the house at least once a day with the kids. I notice it helps my sanity to not be cooped up in the house ALL day long. It might take two hours to get ready to go out, but we get it done haha!
Dane has grown so much this month and is starting to get his own little personality now. I am so obsessed with him and just can’t get enough of him and his cuddles. He is now officially not a newborn anymore, and now an infant- so bittersweet. But I love watching him learn and grow, and be more aware of the world around him. At his 4 month appt recently, the doctor said everything is going great and he’s a healthy little boy- I’m soo grateful for that. He is 90th% for height and 40th% for weight! He is such a sweet boy and is overall a happy baby- we got very lucky!! But don’t get me wrong, he does have his fussy days where I can’t figure out why he’s crying or fussy, and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. But I downloaded The Wonder Weeks app, and it tells me when he is in a developmental leap. Right now, he is in Leap 4! It will tell me the signs of each leap, what skills he might master during this time, and it also can give me an answer to why he might be extra fussy or sensitive. This month he’s really “woken up” and isn’t as sleepy as the early newborn stages. He is very observant and is reacting to us now! He smiles, coos, and gives little belly laughs!
Kennedy is also still loving her little brother, and Dane loves his older sister! He lights up and smiles every time he sees her and hears her voice. She really is the best big sister to him I could’ve ever imagined!! She loves to sing to him Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and he just gazes at her and smiles the entire time. She helps him with tummy time, and entertains him during bath time. I’m excited to see their bond grow stronger the older they get.
Dane’s Schedule:
I wanted to share Dane’s updated 4 Month schedule! His awake time is only 1 hour and 25 min right now, and we are putting him to bed around 7pm.
I have started paying attention to his awake times and making sure he is getting good awake time so he is tired enough to get a good nap in. Right now he is awake for 1 hour and 25 min, and then I put him down for a nap. I’m slowly starting to increase his awake time a little more every few days! It’s good to be aware of awake times to make sure you get their naps in and not let them get overtired. If you’ve seen my recent Instagram stories, you probably know I’ve been working with certified sleep consultant Jess from The Sleep Shop on Dane’s schedule. She has guided me through the past four months and given me so many tips and advice. Since she has given me tips from the very beginning with Dane, sleep training him this time around was a breeze. I took away the swaddle and dockatot cold turkey one night, and he only lightly cried/ fussed for about 15 minutes. Since then he has been such a great little sleeper! He sleeps 12 hours mostly. The number one thing I recommend to any new parents is to read up on baby sleep or work with a sleep consultant!! It also helps me too, because having him on a schedule makes time in the day for myself and one-on-one time with Kennedy. It’s so nice for type-A people, like myself who trive on a routine, to have a predictable day. I also think babies thrive on a predictable schedule and a routine too!
Dane’s Milestones:
Dane has been more alert and is starting to smile more! He is also cooing and laughs a lot! I love how he responds to us trying to be silly and he always gives us the biggest smiles- it’s our favorite thing!! He has rolled over several times and likes to roll on his side. He also is more active and moving his arms and legs much more now. He blows raspberries and makes silly sounds and babbles! He loves sitting up more and can hold is head up pretty steadily now.
I have been feeding Dane formula now, but giving him a bottle of my breast milk once a day. I have been giving him the Enfamil NeuroPro Gentlease, and he hasn’t had any tummy issues! It has been the best formula we have given him- I highly recommend it! He is now drinking more milk each feeding, about 6-9 ounces! I have been using the Comotomo, Dr. Brown’s, MAM, and Munchkin bottles. He takes and loves all of those brands. I also have been offering him oatmeal for breakfast and dinner. I asked you guys over on my IG stories some recommendations for what to mix in with the oatmeal to make it taste more appealing to him and you all gave the best answers!! I mixed in banana last night and Dane actually ate it this time! I’m going to experiment with different fruits, but so far he likes the banana puree mixed in!
Thanks for posting Dane’s schedule! I have a 3 month old and it’s nice to compare schedules and routines and know us Mom’s aren’t alone!
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