How Do I Get Organized and Stay Organized?
I have teamed up with a professional organizer Nicole Beverly of Simply Seaside Organizing to share how to get and stay organized!
It seems that organizing and purging all unnecessary clutter in your home is a hot trend lately. Especially thanks to the super popular Netflix show “Tidying Up with Marie Kondu.” I have to admit, I watched the entire show and it really did inspire my husband and I to simplify our belongings and get organized. I am shamefully admitting I’m not super organized person but I also do hate messes and clutter in our home. The problem was I didn’t know how to organize or where to even start!
I had so many toiletries I felt bad throwing out, so I would just hang onto them. I have a hard time throwing away good items, even though I don’t ever use them. This process has helped me not feel bad about donating or throwing out items I never use or that don’t bring any joy to my life. That would be the biggest change this whole process has made in me! Since I have started to get our home and life organized, it has made my mind more calm, clear, and I feel like I can enjoy our home more. It has carried over in all aspects of my life!
We have first started with our master bathroom- which was a HOT MESS before Nicole arrived. As you can tell from the photos above, I had a TON of beauty products and hair tools. Obviously one person can’t possibly use all of those products on a daily basis. In fact, I think about 95% of all that clutter was always unused. Nicole helped me take everything out and then I decided what I need and use daily. I tossed things I never used and put beauty items I want to keep but don’t use daily in a storage bin to store somewhere else. She got a variety of amazing organizing bins for the bathroom from The Container Store and Home Goods. Everything in the bathroom is way more functional and has a “home.” Once we got our bathroom organized, it has surprisingly been really easy to keep it that way! Alex and I know where everything is supposed to go now and it stays tidy. One thing Nicole told me is that every item has a home and a place it belongs. This concept makes putting things back right away so much easier. This concept works great especially for important items such as your car keys. If they always go back on the key rack aka their “home” they will never get lost! Also, having my bathroom organized just makes me overall feel less anxiety and happier. I’m able to get ready in the morning faster which is great. I now LOVE the look and feel of a super organized space!
I also have organized my kitchen pantry and linen closets! This month we are doing our garage, our master bedroom closet, and the closet in baby boy’s nursery! I will be sharing all those spaces once they are completed! We want to get the most organizing and de-cluttering done before our baby arrives this June! So stay tuned for most organizing posts once everything is completed!
Since getting inspired to get organized and meeting with Nicole Beverly from Simply Seaside Organizing, I wanted to share some knowledge I gained from this organizing journey and have Nicole talk about it as well.
Nicole shares a little more about organizing:
First and foremost, you have to WANT to get organized. It can’t be something your spouse wants or because a show on Netflix is popular. As with anything if you aren’t dedicated to doing what it takes to change then change will not happen.
I tell all of my clients to go through their spaces before I come. Toss anything expired, donate anything that is salvageable that you no longer like or want (but someone else can benefit from) and set aside items that need to be repaired or sold. Be ruthless with your purge as this is the first step in getting organized and staying organized. With that being said, if you like to shop this should be a time you really think about what you’re purchasing. Is it something you need or are you just purchasing it because it’s on sale? Another rule of thumb I like to go by is asking yourself, “Do I have a place to put this?” Thinking of the item in your home is extremely helpful and will help with impulse purchases.
Having the right product and the placement plays such a key role in getting organized. You can buy all the bins and organizers to get your home tidy but if systems aren’t put in place it will be very tough to maintain long term. The #1 mistake most people make when trying to get organized is purchasing bins and organizers before they have measured their spaces or took inventory of how much they need storage for. What happens is you end up with a bunch of items that don’t work, you have to return or they just stay in your home adding to the clutter.
Becoming more organized doesn’t come easy, it takes some work and eventually becomes a part of your routine. Commit to wanting this positive change! Living in a more simplistic way is life changing and you’ll see how it can positively affect so many different areas in your life– your self image, your stress level and even your marriage! If you really want to be organized this year then you will be!
Simply Seaside Organizing:
Nicole’s Instagram:
Really this information was helpful. I will share this to my social media account. Thanks for sharing.- it staffing company in bangalore
I see you have exfoliating gloves in your drawer! I love those things so much- and use them every day. I feel ridiculous wearing gloves in the shower- but feel so much cleaner and my skin is softer! Glad to see a kindred spirit. Your newly organized bathroom looks fabulous! Well done.