MOTHERHOOD: Dane’s 1 Month Update!
I wanted to share Dane’s 1 month update! I can’t believe it’s already been one month since he was born. I feel like this month has flown by!! Seriously though, I feel like time flies faster with the second child. Also, life with a toddler doesn’t stop, so our days are still non-stop, which I think makes time go by faster. Our little angel boy is growing so much and already a little over 10 pounds now! He loves eating, sleeping, and snuggling mommy and daddy. He is the sweetest thing ever and we are so grateful he chose us to be his mommy and daddy!
Sleeping Schedule:
This time around, I knew I wanted to get Dane on a good schedule from the beginning. I have been following eat, play, sleep schedule and it has been working out great so far. I wake him up every three hours during the day to feed him, he has about 40-60 minutes of awake time, and then I put him down for a nap. During his awake time I sing to him, he does tummy time, lays on his PlayMat, or I just snuggle him. He also loves watching Kennedy dance around and sing to him too! When I’m home, he does most of his naps in his bassinet. But if I’m out with Kennedy or running errands, he will usually nap in his car seat on the go! For all his naps, whether on the go or at home, I always have white noise on when he starts the nap and the shusher. It’s kind of like his cue that it’s nap time! Since he’s still a newborn, he sleeps a lot, but his nap and awake times will change the older he gets. I have been working with a sleep consultant Jessica from The Sleep Shoppe, who has been helping me! She wrote me a newborn schedule for Dane and answers any questions I have. He really won’t be able to have sleep training until he’s older, but this schedule really helps create a good routine and nap routine! Around dinner time, I either will wear in him in the Solly Baby Wrap, or he will take a nap in his swing or MamaRoo. We do Kennedy’s bath first between 7-8pm, and Dane will take a cat-nap before his bedtime routine. We start his bedtime routine between 8-9pm, and have him laid down for bed around 9pm. We give him a bath every night, and he LOVES bathtime!!! He’s always so content and relaxed in the bathtub. I nurse him before the bath and give him the Evivo probiotic. I have been washing him with this Lavender and Rosemary wash from Tubby Todd, and I think it helps make him super relaxed. I also will rub the lotion on after the bath too. Once he’s in his pjs and swaddled, Alex will feed him a couple extra ounce of Enfamil Gentlease Formula. This is what we did with Kennedy, and I think it helps keep their tummies full longer in the night. He has been sleeping from 9pm-12/1am then will sleep a 4-5 hour stretch after that.
I have luckily been able to breastfed Dane! He latched on right away and he’s been a great little eater since. I also will pump before bed and in the morning after I nurse him. So we will feed him bottles of my milk and also formula. We give him formula at night and during the day if I can tell he is still hungry! I have been loving the Enfamil Gentlease Formula and the Dr. Brown’s and Comotomo Bottles. I’m glad he takes a bottle because I’m able to do short errands or go to appts without having to worry about rushing back right away to feed him. I also have been LOVING these Miracle Milk Cookies to help increase my supply. I notice when I eat them, my supply increases a lot!
Daily Life:
Having Dane join our family has been the greatest blessing!!! We are so obsessed with him and he makes our family complete! I have been taking him to places like restaurants, walks around the neighborhood, people’s houses, etc. The beginning of the month after giving birth was hard. It was much harder than I imagined, trying to recover from a c-section while caring for a newborn and a toddler. I didn’t really start feeling like myself again until weeks 3-4. It also is such a big adjustment caring for an active toddler and a newborn, because their needs are so different. Also trying to get everyone out the door (without forgetting anything) takes much longer than before. But I feel like I’m starting to get into my rhythm and routine now! After we put both kids to bed, Alex and I like to spend at least one hour a day relaxing on the couch and watching a show! It’s nice to have us time and unwind after the day is done. I also feel like having that quality time together each day is so important for a marriage!
Newborn Must-Haves:
Monthly Milestone Photo Card– KATELYN for 20% off at
White Noise Machine (and a portable one)
Pacifiers- He likes the MAM and BIBS
Pamper’s Pure Diapers and Wipes
Okayyyy just want to point out first he is the cutest baby ever ! And I can’t agree more on every night baths ! Something about helps babies sleep so good ! Do that with my two babies all the time! ❤️❤️ So much love !!!