My Top Baby Feeding Products!
I’m excited to share some of my top baby feeding products from Walmart!
Since this is my second kid, I kind of knew a thing or two about feeding babies and what products I would need. It’s so amazing the amount of products that are out there right now! They aren’t necessary, but boy do they make mama’s life way more easier. In my opinion, have the right feeding products is one of the most important things any parent should invest in for their baby! Walmart has such a large selection of baby products and carry all the top brands I use and love. They are a top destination for all things baby and carry everything from strollers and car seats, to breast pumps. I’ve teamed up with Walmart during National Breastfeeding Awareness Month. Since I’m currently doing both breast milk and formula, I’m sharing my favorite products for breastfeeding as well as my favorite products for formula feeding as well.
Right now, Dane is having a mix of breastmilk and formula. Since I had surgery to get my appendix removed last week, I have been having to pump and dump out my milk due to the medications I am taking. Before the surgery, Dane was being fed a few different ways- he breastfed, took milk from a bottle if I was away or with Alex, and I also had to supplement with formula. I have been having to supplement with formula because Dane still has some of his tongue tie that the doctor never fully got. I met with a Lactation Consultant to help me figure out why he would unlatch after only 1-2 minutes of nursing, and I was also concerned he wasn’t getting enough milk from our nursing sessions. She said he was only getting around 2 ounces each nursing session. She said it was actually a good thing I had been supplementing with formula after each feed, or he would’ve been in a way worse situation and underweight. So next on our list is to get Dane’s tongue tie fixed again so this issue will hopefully be resolved. I wanted to share with you mamas he might be in a similar situation, what feeding products have helped me and hope they will help you as well!
I was very lucky that Dane latched right away after he was born, unlike his sister Kennedy who didn’t. I felt such a relief when he latched without any issues and it was such an amazing feeling. Breastfeed is so hard and a lot of work, but so rewarding too. You really don’t need any products in order to breastfeed your baby, but I wanted to share some that have been helpful for me. My number one nursing product is the Boppy Nursing Pillow! It is such a great product to use while breastfeeding to help support the baby and help you both feel more comfortable. It also helps not having to grab a bunch of pillows to create a cushion. Just grab your Bobby nursing pillow! I have 3 different covers, and would change the covers often to make sure it was always clean. I use it for tummy time with Dane as well. I would make sure to stock up on disposable nursing pads to keep in your bra day and night. They soak up any milk from your let down and any leaking, and always keep your clothes dry!
Pumping is something I’m very familiar with! I pumped exclusively with Kennedy for four months straight! I was about to give up, and decided to try to get her to breastfeed. After four months, she finally latched and started nursing!! So from four to six months I was able to nurse Kennedy! I’ve received so many questions about pumping from you guys since Dane was born. How often do I pump? How much milk I get out each session? Etc… So I would pump every morning after Dane nursed, and I still got a good 4 ounces out. I also pumped before I went to bed around 10:30pm, and then once in the night around 3am. Since Dane was sometimes sleeping through the night or would just wake up once in the night to eat. Alex has always done that middle of the night feeding and we give him a bottle of formula. Since I started pumping I was able to create a large stash of milk to keep in our freezer!! It feels good knowing I have that milk now as a backup, especially since I’ve been having to pump and dump. To get as much milk out as possible, I always wear a pumping bra!!! It is a game changer! I get way more milk out and I also have my hands free to massage my breasts to extract even more milk out. Since I’ve been doing that, I get a good extra 2 ounces out each pumping session compared to when I didn’t do that. You will need storage bags to store your milk after pumping. You can store it in your fridge for a few days or freeze it for later use. To warm up your milk you will need a bottle warmer. This is the safest and most effective way to warm up cold or frozen breastmilk. I have been using the Kiinde Kozii bottle warmer since Kennedy was a newborn and it works amazing!! I highly recommend it and it is a great quality product. You can take your pumped milk with you on the go and keep it warm. I recommend a bottle bag like this one from Skip Hop. You can also get your breastmilk or formula bottles warmed up for the baby with this travel bottle warmer. I’ve been using it since Kennedy was an infant and it works amazing!
Whether you are supplementing or fully formula feeding your baby, it’s important to find the right formula for your baby and use the right products! There are SO many amazing formula feeding products I use and love. First, this Baby Brezza formula maker machine is a game changer- it’s SUCH an awesome invention and product. It’s basically a coffee maker but for formula. So with just the push of a button you can have a perfectly warm bottle of formula ready in seconds. This machine is digital, so you just choose how many ounces you want then press start. It constantly keeps the water warm all day and perfectly mixes for you. I also love how it comes out with no bubbles, so it prevents gas in your baby. If you are planning on using formula often, I HIGHLY recommend this. Alex and I both agree this is the best money ever spent on a baby product. I tried a couple different formulas with Dane, and all of them gave him tummy troubles except the Enfamil Gentlease. He has done great with this brand and type of formula and I don’t notice any gas issues since using it! It is my favorite formula for newborn and infants. We have several different types of bottles for Dane. We introduced the bottle around 1.5-2 weeks old and he took it great. We love the Dr. Brown’s, Comotomo, MAM, and Munchkin Latch. If your baby is refusing the bottle, maybe try getting several different types to see if he will take it. When I’m on the go, I use a formula dispenser and keep it in my diaper bag with a bottle ready to be mixed.
awesome nice blog…. nice products for baby feeding some of is best one
This is awesome thank for share your post this is great