Since the day we found out I was pregnant we have been dying to tell the whole world the amazing news!!! We cannot be more excited, happy, nervous, anxious and giddy to be a mommy and daddy to this beautiful gift that’s inside of me! We knew since we started dating that we both wanted to be young parents and have a (semi) large family! So about 9 months after we were married, we decided it’s time to start trying for our baby! Luckily, the third month I got pregnant! I know how hard it is for some to get pregnant, and my heart aches for those who have to go through that. So we feel so incredibly blessed that I got pregnant when I did!
I didn’t even think I was pregnant and certainly didn’t feel pregnant at the time, but one night I just had this thought come to me saying to get a pregnancy test. First I thought it was way too early to detect (like 6 days early), and I just wasn’t even feeling any symptoms but I also didn’t have any PMS symptoms either! But something kept telling me to take the test! So I went and got a pregnancy test anyways and took the test around 8pm at night! I just set it down and RIGHT AWAY it showed up dark red! Like no waiting or anything haha I couldn’t believe my eyes and was just in a state of shock! My whole life I have imagined this moment and I’ve dreamt and prayed for the day I get to see that big fat positive! It started to hit me and I kept jumping up and down and screaming by myself haha! Alex was still at work, and I couldn’t wait to tell him the amazing news! So when Alex came home from work, I told him I had cookies I made for him in the oven. I also secretly set up the camera on the steps of the stairs towards the kitchen to videotape his reaction, but right away he saw it!! He was like “why is the camera on?” I got nervous and didn’t want to be too obvious I was trying to secretly videotape him so I just said, “Oh that’s weird! I don’t know why its on! Haha” I was like darn, scratch that plan! I just felt like if I said “no keep it on,” it would give away the surprise and we would catch on. But I told him I have something in the oven for him- get it “a bun in the oven ;)”- and for him to go get it. Before he got home I wrapped the pregnancy test in tin foil and put it in the oven. Get it, a bun in the oven?! 😉 I told him to get the cookies I made for him in the oven! So he opened the oven and unwrapped the foil and saw the test! He was soo confused and didn’t understand, but a few seconds later it all clicked and he was sooo happy and excited! We both just hugged and kissed each other and couldn’t stop saying it feels like were in a dream!
These past 12 weeks of being pregnant have been the most exciting and happy times ever! I felt pretty good, but around week 6-7 I started getting morning sickness (more like all day sickness) and super tired all the day! But luckily the morning sickness has pretty much gone away and I’m starting to feel so much better!
At our 7 week scan we saw our little baby and got to see and HEAR the heartbeat! I couldn’t belive it and hearing it was so beautiful and music to my ears! All I can say was “wow it is so loud!” We had another scan at 10.5 weeks and we couldn’t belive how much the baby has grown and changed already! It’s starting to look more like a baby and it’s limbs grew much longer! We also saw the baby moving and the baby did a little wave to us! Alex videotapes every ultrasound appointment, so I have probably re-watched that video about 100 times! I also just find myself just starting at our baby in the ultrasound picture ALL the time! I just can’t believe this beautiful baby is INSIDE of my tummy!!!
So far, I have been craving mostly salty foods and I’m pretty much never craving anything sweet! I’ve been trying to eat healthy and eat foods such as yogurt, eggs, salads, proteins, and fruits and veggies! I haven’t really had any specific cravings, just mainly salty foods! We want to find out the gender as soon as we can!
How far along: 12 weeks
Size of Baby: A large plum
Symptoms: Nausea but it’s been fading, tired ALL the time, breaking out 🙁 , bloated, and always hungry! Fun times! haha
Cravings: Pasta and pretty much anything salty!
Aversions: I used to love eating chicken and I just couldn’t do it the past few weeks. Literally looking at chicken would make me gag! But it’s starting to slowly taste good to me again!
Sleep: I have been sooo tired throughout the day, so I usually take a nap during the day and so far have been getting a full nights rest!
Excited for: Our 15 week appointment! I’m keeping my finger’s crossed we will be able to find out the gender at that appointment! I’m so anxious and SO excited, and I have been trying to keep myself busy because time seems to be going sooo slow. I just want it to be April already!
Missing: Hot baths and working out! I haven’t really been able to do my workouts everyday like I used to since I started getting morning sickness! I’m hoping since I’m starting to feel better, I’ll be able to workout more in the second trimester!
Movement: None so far!
Hi, my name is Joselynn
I live in Houston, November 29th I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. Now on to the next step of finding a doctor. Which leads to my question.
Do you have any suggestions on doctors for first time visits?
Congrats! 🙂 I went to Dr. Maccato!