SHIRT c/o: Style Girl Boutique-sold out (similar here) | VEST c/o: Vici Dolls | WHITE JEGGINGS c/o: Vici Dolls | HEELS: Nordstrom | SUNGLASSES: Ray Ban | BEANIE c/o: Vici Dolls- sold out (similar here) |BRACELET c/o: Cherrypick Jewelry | NECKLACE c/o: Taudrey Jewelry
New Year’s Eve is here!! I can’t believe how fast this year has gone by! It seemed like when I was a little kid, time went by soo slow and being an adult seemed so far into the distance. Well now I am an adult and it’s the opposite feeling- time is flying by so fast! I also can’t believe that Alex and I will have been together for two years this January! It seems like last week we were first dating and getting to know each other! Haha But the past two years have truly been the best two years of my life! No one brings me more happiness everyday, and makes me laugh more than my hubby! I hope you guys enjoy this winter outfit! I’m obsessed with this cute puffer vest from Vici Dolls!! They have the CUTEST selection of clothes, shoes, and accessories! I just wanted everything from their store! Hope you have an amazing and safe New Year’s Eve!!! See you next year! XOXO
Wow – Vici Dolls is amazing!