My Tips for Self-Care and Why it’s Important to Prevent Burnout as a Mom!
Sharing my personal tips for Self-Care and how to prevent burn out as a mom!
PJS: Serena & Lily | THROW PILLOWS: Serena & Lily | WHITE PILLOW: Serena & Lily
It’s important for mothers to invest in themselves in order to be a happy mom. Nowadays with both Kennedy and Dane, taking care of myself has gone by the wayside. Before with just Kennedy I had a bit more “me time” during the day to get some stuff done or catch up on things on my to do list. Since the birth of our second child Dane, my me time and self care is spread more thin. However, I’m happy to report that I’m still surviving and my heart is SO full with the addition of our precious Dane. There are some things I learned since becoming a mom of two that are vital to survival and self care while juggling more than one kid! As a busy working mom who finds very little time for myself. When I do find that time I need to fully invest it in myself. That time is a gift for yourself! I think it also teaches your kids to respect themselves too and show them to find happiness in taking care of themselves.
Moms have a lot to deal with in their everyday life. From endlessly long to-do lists, chores and laundry, social commitments, work, insensitive parenting comments to the daily motherhood stressors such as tantrums, motherhood is not easy or for the faint of heart.
We often have to balance raising their children, a career (from the home or outside of the home), a marriage, household chores, and a social life (or lack thereof). All of these things leave moms with very little time for self-care, even though it’s so important to focus on it. To prevent a burnout, moms need to set aside some “me time” whenever they get a chance to.
Self care truly begins with the first part of the word- “Self.” So if you’re going to take care of yourself that is where your mind needs to be! If you’re only thinking about your kids, the house or your partner’s needs there’s nothing left for YOU. My theory is that you need to keep yourself in mind throughout your day. Some days I say I “don’t have time for this or that,” but in reality I’m really saying is I “won’t do it.” We all have the same amount of time in the day, it’s how we prioritize what is most important is what is key. Also I know from experience the guilt and negative feelings that come with this mentality- but trust me it will help ease you out of the “baby blues,” postpartum depression or anxiety. Most moms face one or more of these challenges after the birth of their child. These experiences are nothing new to me as well, and I have found that self-care is part of the cure to these issues.
I’m guilty of also buying a few things here and there that make me happy 🙂 Such as a new pair of slippers, a new candle, or new pjs to replace old ones. I love my new Serena & Lily Porto Linen Pjs because they feel so luxe and are so pretty. I love slipping into these comfy pjs at the end of the day and just wearing them around the house to be comfortable!
Time Management:
The first and most important lesson I learned early on is time management. With all of the topics I’ll go over below, time management is the number one way you’ll be able to fit these into your day! Instead of vegging on social media for an hour (which is totally acceptable but not entirely productive!) you can start making more fulfilling daily choices to bring more happiness and enjoyment into your day! I have a planner and a white board calendar where I write out what I have to-do for the week ahead. I’m able to visualize my days and it usually makes me more relaxed and not so stressed out. Not knowing how your day is going to go or what you have scheduled (until the hour before) causes a lot of unnecessary anxiety and panic. Which then I feel like creates a negative energy in the house and transfers to the kids moods too.
Exercising is key to my clearing my mind, making me feel accomplished, and how I set the tone for the type of person I want to be that day. Exercising puts me in a better mood and brings out my energy for the day! Also, working a little bit each day towards your body and mind, gives you so much more self-esteem and confidence.
Meditation isn’t just for relaxation but also finding clarity. With thousands of things to do- taking care of kids, play-dates, changing diapers and making meals all day- can build up a lot of stress and panic throughout the day. MAKING time, even if it’s only taking ten minutes out of my day to find that mental balance and anchor to my sanity. Keeping a healthy and strong mind is just as important as a healthy and strong body.
Girl, sometimes you just need to veg. Relax; and do it with zero guilt. Start a book you’ve always wanted to read but never made the time for. Take a bath and light your favorite candle. Pamper, treat, and indulge yourself for a moment before you need to get back to that mom grind. The clothes on the floor can wait; be okay with the fact that you’re putting off everything you need to do and come back refreshed and ready to go. Self care is all about getting rid of the guilt! Don’t be ashamed or feel bad for setting some YOU time aside! It is so very important that you recharge your batteries before you run yourself into the ground.
Everyone has a little artist in themselves! We admire artistic talents and find inspiration everywhere we go. Find the courage to express that artist inside yourself and do something that makes you feel proud and accomplished. It doesn’t have to be shared with the world and maybe you’re just learning; but developing skills and talents helps us grow and builds our character! Some ideas I have in mind are: coloring in an adult coloring book, making jewelry, scrap-booking my children’s memory books, photography or watercolor painting! YouTube is a great resource of thousands of hours of content and how-to videos to get yourself started! Finding a hobby you love and what’s most important is putting in the dedication to taking those first steps. I truly believe that every girl has an artistic side to her. Instead of just wishing you had a hobby (aside from being a mom!) go and DO IT! You’ll have so much more confidence and joy in your personal life.
Self care is all about stress relief, downtime and PERSONAL growth. All of these points I touched on is to help you get your mind of all of the million little things you need to do in your life and just focus on yourself! I promise you if you make the time to add one or more of these self care strategies into your life you will be SO much happier and a better overall mama! Comment below to let me know what you do for self care and how you get your “me time” throughout the day, I’d love to hear!
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