Toddler Potty Training: Update and Tips!
In this post, I’m sharing an update on how Dane’s potty training has been going, some tips on what worked for our toddler, and our favorite BABYBJÖRN products!

This fall we decided it was time to finally potty train Dane and we actually have been able to achieve (what we thought seemed impossible) potty training him! There were a few key things we did that I believe has helped immensely and made it more stress free than we thought!
From the start we knew we wanted to use the potty training tools from BABYBJÖRN and got the Potty Training Bundle to set Dane up for success. This includes: A potty chair, a step stool and a toilet training seat. The potty chair we brought with us whenever I took him out of the house and kept in the trunk of our car. Before we went into a store I would place him on the potty to see if he needed to go before we went inside. While potty training, we’ve noticed it’s a good idea to do this EVERY time before we go into a place and make the trip short. If it is longer than we need then we’ll take them into the restroom inside but during potty training we tried to avoid any restroom or potty than what he was used to. The toilet training seat is what we put on the toilet at home along with the step stool he used to get up. The handles on the side of the potty seat stabilizes him and helps him relax. This is convenient to have since I’m able to bring it to different bathrooms around the house! During Dane’s potty training experience we simultaneously integrated “bathroom manners” into it and made sure he always washed his hands after and flushed the toilet- to start those habits early on! I’m so glad we went with the BABYBJÖRN potty training bundle to start Dane’s potty training journey because it included everything we needed to get started!
We had Dane pick out three packs of his favorite underwear with his favorite characters on them. This got him really excited to put them on and he actually loved feeling like a big boy wearing real underwear! I know some people have found success in just going commando but for us personally I wanted to know if he peed his pants and didn’t want any surprise puddles at the end of the day! This is what worked for us but of course, use your best judgement for your own child!
I truly believe there isn’t one right or wrong way to potty train your child but it’s all about trial and error! We decided to do the three day potty training method which we provided him with lots of liquids (lots of opportunities to train on the potty) and keeping a close eye on him and mainly staying at home for those three days. The BABYBJÖRN portable potty is your #1 tool though when you start venturing out of the house and feel more confident with outings in their underwear! We stuck with a schedule for Dane from the start and had a routine of having him try to go potty starting out every 10-15 minutes the first day, then 20 minutes the second day and every 25 minutes the third day. From then on we would check every 30 minutes if he had to go to the potty for a couple weeks. We set timers so we would remember and we definitely took turns being the one in charge of potty time. It is quite exhausting without taking turns on this! We covered up our couch in trash bags and then over them blankets we could wash. I have him wear training undies for when he is at school and when we go out. They are a little thicker than the normal undies and will absorb small leaks. We also have him wear a pull up for his nap and bedtime still. But we have him go potty right before he goes to bed, and right when he wakes up. 99% of the time, he wakes up dry and holds it. But since he is still in his crib still, I’d rather him get a good night’s rest now instead of waking us up to go use the potty.
This was actually our second attempt at potty training as our first attempt had a big change happening (he was starting preschool) and he had gotten sick with a high fever. It was too much going on for both of us to really put in the 100% effort it takes to be successful at potty training! This time around we made sure he was healthy and had no major changes happening in his life. After this last attempt he was doing 4 days straight of great days with only 1 or 2 accidents.
What set him up for success this time around was the consistent schedule, being rested and healthy, doing potty “treats” after successful attempts, being able to just stay at home, and having the BABYBJÖRN Potty Training Bundle. It has not only helped him achieve this major milestone but their potty products are also aesthetically nice and simple and blend in well with our home!

I would love to keep you updated on Dane’s potty training experience and hope these ideas I’ve shared about our experience has given you more confidence to start your little on potty training!
*Thank you to BABYBJÖRN, a brand we personally use and love, for sponsoring this post.

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This post is really helpful. I have tried all these toys and luckily my boy is now learning these tricks. I am very happy that he is trying to use these toys. Thank you for sharing this helpful content.
All toys you are using for your son is nice and good looking. I am pretty sure to buy these toys for my baby.
I love this post and thank you for write for us
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